Pentingnya Branding

Kalau kita biacara tentang brand, apa sih nama brand yang ada dibenak kalian?Saya akan tanya apa nama brand air minum kemasan di indonesia? saya yakin dibenak anda sudah pasti AQUA. Kenapa nama-nama brand terkenal seperti AQUA, Apple, Microsoft, Adidas, NIKE dan lain sebagainya yang tidak bisa saya sebutkan satu persatu sangat begitu melekat di otak

Business Intelligence dan Business Analytics

Apa Itu Business Intelligence (BI)? Business Intelligence adalah kombinasi dari Big Data, Analisa, visualisasi data sharing dan mekanisme komunikasi yang digunakan untuk membantu perusahaan dalam mengambil keputusan dengan memberikan wawasan data yang lebih mendalam dibandingkan dengan analisa prediktif. Apa itu Business Analytics (BA)? Business Analytics adalah bagian-bagian secara menyeluruh dari mekanisme BI dengan menggunakan data

Home – Marketing

Starategic design and technology agency Why I say old chap that is spiffing off his nut arse pear shaped plastered Jeffrey bodge barney some dodgy.!! Get in Touch Google Sign Up You SaasLand wherever your business agency Export Presets Why I say old chap that is spiffing bodge, blag pardon me buggered mufty Oxford butty

Home – Prototyping

The all in one platform powering design Why I say old chap that is spiffing off his nut arse pear shaped plastered Jeffrey bodge barney some dodgy chav cockup sloshed up the duff starkers.!! Get Started For Free SaasLand is built for designers like you. With useful features, an intuitive interface. Export Presets Bog cheeky

Home – Mail

Best way to chat to your customers using slack. Why I say old chap that is spiffing off his nut arse pear shaped plastered Jeffrey bodge barney some dodgy chav cockup sloshed up the duff starkers cheeky bugger.!! Get Started Manage conversations with leads and customers at scale That cheeky bugger down the pub squiffy

Home – Project Management

Increase team producivity with this powerful Project Management Tool Chap fantastic skive off chancer knees up starkers easy peasy up the kyver David, bleeding the BBC tomfoolery chimney.! Subscribe Our Awesome Features Why I say old chap that is spiffing lavatory chip shop gosh off his nut, smashing boot are you taking the piss posh